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Text: Your elegance and beauty are merely the outward manifestations of an even more elegant and beautiful soul. Your humility, strength, and compo...
View full detailsText: God never created a more radiant flower than you. And while your beauty abounds outwardly, we are a living testimony to the beauty that aboun...
View full detailsText: A Mother’s love is sure and bright. A guiding hand of hope and light. You’ve shown me wisdom, love and grace, and taught me how to live by fa...
View full detailsText: Oh, how I cherish the memories of my childhood; your faithfulness, love and discipline made me who I am today. I will always be grateful that...
View full detailsText: Oh, how I cherish the memories of my childhood; your faithfulness, love and discipline made me who I am today. I will always be grateful that...
View full detailsText: Respect, nubian, honor, strength, grace, wisdom, kindness, faith, blessed, humble, inspiring, proud, sophisticated, radiant. Shall I go on? ...
View full detailsText: “There’s nothing more precious than the prayers of a praying mother.” I thank God for blessing me with a Mom who cares, listens when I share,...
View full detailsText: “There’s nothing more precious than the prayers of a praying mother.” I thank God for blessing me with a Mom who cares, listens when I share,...
View full detailsText: To My Mom on Mother’s Day, You are the essence of God’s radiance. You personify virtue, honor, and strength. God’s Word speaks of you in Prov...
View full detailsText: Mama, On this special day I stop and reflect, and give God the glory and you the respect. When challenges came your faith did not waiver, You...
View full detailsText: For your strength, care and love. For pushing me when I needed it and holding me when I needed you. For always having my back while teaching ...
View full detailsText: More than you know it. More than I show it. More than I say it. I Love You. Happy Mother’s Day!
Text: You are sweet words and gentle kisses. You are loving hugs and kindencouragement. You are compassionate and supportive. Happy Mother’s Day to...
View full detailsText: Happy Mother’s Day! Thank you for all that you have done for me. Thank you for your love, kindness and care. I am blessed to have always had ...
View full detailsText: When God blessed me with you, I really didn’t know what to do. Aswe walked together down life’s way, I learned to thank God for you every day...
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